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24 May 2006

Annoying misspellings
You know what one of my pet peeves is?? One of many, that is...

It bugs me to no end when people misspell things on their Pogo profiles!! Now when it comes to chatting in the rooms, I completely understand that some people just can't spell (like my husband), or many people make lots of typos. I am one of the latter... usually my fingers are flying much faster than they should be, and I am normally too lazy to backspace to fix my errors.

But on a profile... geez, people! Can't you look up a word on to see how something is spelled??

Also, it's not like we're talking some hard words either. I have seen the word "happily" (as in "happily married") misspelled so many times. I've seen "happyly," "happely," even "happiely." Lots of folks put in their profile that they're not very chatting people, but instead of saying they're "quiet," usually they write that they're "quite."

*takes a deep breath*

I should just quit reading profiles... *wink*

In other news, I received an email from my mother-in-law yesterday stating that Kurt's next younger brother S and his girlfriend N have broken up.

They broke up once before; I think it was something about N going back to her ex-boyfriend, which irritated the family a bit, but when she came back to her senses and returned to S, the family welcomed her with open arms.

I really like N. She's got quite a good head on her shoulders, she's really very sweet, and she's a very caring, loving person. She has to be; she's a nurse for the terminally ill. She goes from home to home, caring for those people waiting to die at home. That's not an easy job; you have to be the right kind of person to do that.

But apparently this time, the break-up is permanent. There is no chance for them to get back together. I don't know what all happened between them; my mother-in-law simply said they broke up and it's over and they're never getting back together. I have my suspicions, even though I'm not sure who broke up with whom. I'm sure S is really torn up about it. He really loves N. In fact, she's the first girlfriend in a looooooooooong time he had introduced to the family. So I'm sure he thought the two of them were going to be rather permanent.

It makes me sad that she's not going to be part of the family. But obviously, something just wasn't right between the two of them, so it's best they break up now before they get married and have to either be miserable for years on end or go through a messy divorce.

Ah well.

Someone is burning something in my neighborhood. All morning I was thinking that my candle had lit something on fire, but every time I checked it, the candle was fine. When I went to get the mail this afternoon, I realized it was smoke from a fire. I've got the back door open since it's too warm in here not to have it open, but the smoke's giving me a bit of a headache. I think they're building a new house, which is why they're burning. I can't fathom why people are building in this neighborhood still. The only lots left are practically unbuildable. Somehow they're managing, though.

Okay, back to Lottso! Have a great day!

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