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20 April 2006

Why am I losing things
And you people wonder why I don't leave the house much!!!!

Well, you probably don't, but anyhow...

See, they tell you when you're pregnant that once the baby is born, the combination of wacky hormones and lack of sleep causes a new mom to completely lose it. You wander around in a fog, not really sure of much other than loving your baby and needing sleep.

I never went through that. Until now.

Today I have lost two things. One, somewhat important to me, and the other not so much.

The first was a wallet-sized photo album I had stuffed with photos of Gracie, from her first portrait at 7 weeks up through her 1-year-old photo, as well as a cute little close-up of her that I took myself.

I am pretty darn upset that I lost it. It's not really irreplaceable because I have extras of all those photos, but it took me a good 20 minutes to cut out all the photos, make sure they're all labeled properly (because I'm anal like that), and then put them just so into the photo album. Also, have you ever tried looking for a wallet-sized photo album?? They're just about impossible to find. This one I got at Penney's when we had our photos taken a couple of weeks ago.

The second item I lost was a pair of sunglasses I'd gotten for Grace at Tuesday Morning earlier this week. Now granted, that's REALLY not a big deal because they're just sunglasses, and I paid a whopping $4 for them. But it's the principle of the matter! And they're the only pair of sunglasses I have found that Grace will actually keep on her head for longer than two minutes!! I had looked around for the sunglasses today as Grace and I did our normal Thursday afternoon date (which involves several antique stores and lunch at a local bakery) just to make sure I had them at all times, and I looked down at the bag one of the bookstores had given me. I'd managed to stuff it full of things I'd bought at other stores, and I just assumed I had stuffed the sunglasses in that bag as well. I just emptied the bag to find I had no sunglasses.


I hate losing things. It's probably my number one pet peeve. I don't know why it bothers me so much, but I completely spaz out when I can't find something. When I'm reading in bed and I misplace my bookmark, I can't wait till I'm finished reading to find the bookmark. I have to stop what I'm doing and find the damn thing, else I can't concentrate on what I'm reading. When I lose something I want to find it RIGHT NOW. I don't want to sit back and look for it later. I want it RIGHT NOW. And I will search up and down and high and low to find the damn thing.

So I'm really upset that I've lost TWO things today. I just feel like I'm totally losing my mind!

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