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17 April 2006

Closed on Easter
More Navy-related crapola going on here... joy of all joys. Kurt was supposed to come home from work tonight, but he called me an hour ago to tell me he won't be home until Friday the 28th.

Isn't that lovely? To find out your husband isn't coming home for nearly two weeks, and you have no choice in the matter?

Not even a chance to say goodbye? Or get any last minute chores done -- like mowing a lawn that now looks like homeless people could get lost in it??

I just freakin' love this command.



What's up with EVERYTHING being closed on Easter?? Holy cow!! Kurt was home all day yesterday, well, since 10am anyhow, which was the first whole day we'd had in weeks, and we decided to go do something fun.

We'd planned to go to a local pizza & pasta joint for lunch, but they were closed. That didn't bother me; it's a local place, they can set their own hours. We ended up going to Red Lobster because it was open and had immediate seating.

Then we hatched the plan to go to Tacoma. Wooo!! I started getting nervous about the mall being open because ours was closed (why would a mall be closed anyhow??), but we decided if Tacoma Mall was closed, we'd find something else to do.

As we drove past the enormous Target off Hwy 16, I noticed it too was closed. Since when does Target close for something other than Christmas and New Year's and Thanksgiving??

Then we finally approached the Tacoma Mall -- which was in total lockdown, with the exception of Sears. I'm still floored by a mall being closed on Easter. It makes no sense whatsoever.

Well, we ended up just bumming around Sears for a couple of hours. I mean, we drove all the way down there; we might as well. The woman in the vacuum cleaner department told me she didn't ever remember the mall being closed on Easter, or much of anything else for that matter. She also told us that Walmart was closed, but that Kmart might be open since Kmart owns Sears.

The jewelry lady thought it was insane that Sears was open at all. She said, "All y'all ought to be at home with your families anyhow!" I gently informed her that I WAS with my family, or at least all of it that was local. All the rest of my family is on a whole 'nother coast.

I can understand why most everything is closed on Christmas. It's no longer simply the celebration of the birth of Christ; it's morphed into a huge holiday that may or may not be religious in nature. But how is Easter anything but a religious holiday?? Sure, you have an Easter bunny and whatnot for the secular end of things, but it's not as universally celebrated among non-Christians as Christmas is.

It was also irritating that Kurt and I had things to do, and it was the only day we could get anything done since he hadn't been home during the day in several weeks, and everything was closed.

And my lawn still hasn't been mown! ;o)

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