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03 February 2005

When did Motley Crue become classic rock?!
You start to feel really old when the classic rock stations that you've been listening to for a good portion of your life are now playing songs from your childhood. It's like a current song playing on the Top 40 stations, where a woman's stuck in the 80s, and she asks, "When did Motley Crue become classic rock?" When, indeed??

My local classic rock stationed played "Sweet Child of Mine" by Guns N Roses just now.

But one thing I am curious about is what makes one song by a band classic rock but not another? For example, KZOK (my favorite radio station) will play "Sweet Child of Mine" but not "November Rain." Same band; one would think they would both get airtime.

Why does the band Guns N Roses get to be classic rock (along with the incredibly annoying U2) where Bon Jovi and other hair bands are mocked for their fluff music?

And why is U2 considered to be such a fabulous band?? They had a couple of good songs in the 80s, but the Persian Gulf War Episode I really killed "With or Without You." It was completely overplayed. I find any band that doesn't know how to count to four properly in Spanish ("uno, dos, tres, catorce" translates to "one, two, three, fourteen") can't be all that great. So what if they've been around forever? So has Metallica.

Why isn't Metallica classic rock? I do believe they've been around longer than Guns N Roses.

And speaking of classic rock, who the hell ever thought rock flute (as in a flute as part of rock music) would be a good idea? It just sounds odd. At least when Metallica paired up with a symphony, they took the whole darn orchestra. And it sounds really awesome. If you're a Metallica fan, and you don't own S&M, you are definitely not a real fan.

All the books I read tell me I should limit the amount of tv my baby watches, and that she needs lots of quiet time as well, so the radio should be turned off as well. Ummm, that's just not going to happen. I have owned my very own radio since I was six years old. Granted, it was a goofy veneered thing that made the attempt at looking like wood, and the clock was analog, but hey, it did the most important thing -- receive radio signals. Music courses through my veins. From piano lessons to sixth chair cello in my high school orchestra, I must either be singing, humming, playing, or listening to music. Even now, as I type this far too late at night while Gracie sleeps all of five feet away from me, I have the radio on insanely quietly. I found myself singing "If You're Happy and You Know It" in my head while practicing an English accent, so I thought it was time for outside distraction.

My favorite thing to do right now is to bounce Gracie on my lap while I hum the William Tell Overture. When I was pregnant, I didn't hook up headphones to my belly and play classical music, although it was suggested to me to do so by my voice teacher. I just couldn't fathom doing that, especially since the baby could hear my music without the aid of headphones. So what if she heard Jimi Hendrix and the Beatles instead of Bach and Mozart while in the womb? I much prefer Tchaikovsky and Dvorak anyhow. Something about the forceful sforzandos and crescedoes of the Eastern Europeans get me every time. And in case you were wondering, yes, the 1812 Overture is a damn long piece. Especially when you're playing it. I think our high school conductor timed it out at 18 minutes.

Have I mentioned how good a baby I ended up with?? I have no idea what I did in my past lives to deserve such a good baby. Granted, we do have issues when it comes to napping, but when your 4-month-old baby goes to sleep at 10pm and sleeps till at least 9am without waking up, how can one complain?!

I know there are women out there saying, "Oooo, I HATE you!" to the screen, but I am certain that Grace will make it up to me when she's a teenager. But she's always slept through the night. The night after she was born, after I had made it to Children's Hospital, I gave firm instructions to the nurse to call up to the NICU parents' room we had been provided with as soon as Gracie woke up so I could nurse her. I had the sneaky suspicion that if I wasn't careful, the nurses would be giving her formula. We left the NICU at 11pm and headed one floor up to get some much needed sleep, especially since I hadn't slept much the night before for worrying about Grace. I finally woke up again at 4am without a call from the NICU. I headed down myself, and her nurse assured me she hadn't woken up at all. I realize that newborns tend to sleep a lot in the first couple of days, but she was sleeping six to seven hours straight as soon as she came home. And she's just been lengthening that time since then.

But you know, naps are important. Naps are when moms get all their work done. And when one's baby doesn't take naps, one gets no work done! I'm trying to get her into a schedule where she eats about 9:30am when she wakes up (no later than 10am), then has a nap till she wakes up again, preferably at least 11:30 or even noon. She eats three hours after she got up (12:30 or 1pm), and then goes back to sleep for another hour or two. If we miss one of those naps, she's got to take one around 5:30pm. Today she missed the afternoon nap, so she passed out around 5:15pm and I had to wake her for her 7pm feeding. It's almost funny when she wakes up; she's so completely disoriented.

Anyhow, I was supposed to go to bed early tonight since Iron Chef wasn't on (just Iron Chef America, which is rather dumb). As you can see, that plan was can-Xed (as the Navy would say). Oh well. I can sleep when Kurt gets home, which is in five days, since it is already Thursday. Woo hoo!!

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