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17 February 2004

Exciting family news
Yes, yes, it's been far too long without an update. But I do have a good reason.

So the big news of the day is that I found out that I am pregnant about two weeks ago. Yay! Kurt and I totally didn't think that it would happen so quickly because all I did was stop taking my birth control pills in late December, and according to the online calendars I got pregnant on New Year's Day. This means I'm about eight weeks along right now.

What cracks me up is why the doctors always tell you to wait a couple of months before you start trying to have kids when you've been on birth control pills. It's not because of the hormones that the pills leave in your body because apparently there is no research to suggest that the hormones could harm the baby (there are TONS of women that get pregnant while taking the pill as well). The reason the doctors tell you to wait is ONLY for their convenience!!! The doctors want you to have a couple of regular periods before you conceive so they can make a more accurate guess when it comes to the due date of the baby.

I guess I just like to make life difficult for my doctors. :o)

Anyhow, I had to wait to post my news until I'd told EVERYONE that shouldn't find out this news from a website. I think almost everyone is told, save for my one friend in NYC that shall be getting a letter sometime soon. When I get around to writing it, that is. But I don't think he reads this, so it's all good.

Apparently I'm a low-risk pregnancy, which makes me happy. What DOESN'T make me happy is that my doctor doesn't seem to understand that although I am overweight (apparently in the obese category, although I don't look it at all), I don't sit all day on my couch eating bon-bons and doughnuts. I tried to explain to her that I do eat a healthy and balanced diet, and she gave me one of those looks like, "yeah right." That just pisses me off because I don't even have a sweet tooth! There is a cake in the microwave (so the damn cat doesn't get into it) that I made for Kurt for Valentine's Day, which is the first time in a loooooooooong time we've had sweets in the house, and I've had all of two pieces of it. Most sweets in this house go bad before we finish them because neither of us like that kind of stuff. And we don't keep soda or chips or other junk food in the house. Well, there's a 7-Up in the fridge right now, but that's in case I get a little nauseous again. I like to make cookies and other stuff, but I send it all to work with Kurt so the guys on the ship can have something yummy to eat.

So the doctor wants to send me to a nutritionist to come up with a diet for me to stick to. I guess I'll just have to show the nutritionist what I normally eat and ask him/her how much MORE healthy I could eat.

The other problem I am having is the OBs in this area don't take Tricare. I got a referral from my primary care manager to go to an OB, and when I called Tricare they gave me the name and number of the OB I was referred to. When I called the OB, I was told that because the hospital isn't taking Tricare after June, they were taking no new patients with Tricare. I called Tricare back several times, and the end result is that I am going to be going to the naval hospital for all of my care.

That wouldn't be a bad thing, except I guess they're used to very young and very immature women married straight out of high school and giving birth 3000 miles away from all their friends and family. So I get treated like a child when I go for my appointments. I got this "pregnancy and childbirth" planner from the nurse, which I have to bring to every appointment, and I was informed if I lose it, I don't get another because they're not cheap. So the nurse watched me as I wrote my name and number inside, just to make sure I did so. That still bugs me, that she did that. But I suppose I'll just keep my mouth shut and try to learn as much information about the whole thing as I can.

I've already made some decisions about this baby. Kurt and I don't want to know the gender of the baby till it's born, which I know will make buying clothes and whatnot difficult since most people do know the gender before it's born. But we're just not interested. I'd rather go with yellow and mint anyhow. Also, I will be using cloth diapers, which makes people my age look at me like I've got four heads. I would much rather spend a couple hundred dollars for diapers that will last me till the baby is potty trained, then spend a couple of thousand dollars on disposables. Plus the disposables fill up the landfills. I guess I'm a little "green" like that. :o)

Anyhow, so we're really excited about all this, especially because I am feeling no ill effects from the pregnancy. I don't have morning sickness at all, but I do feel a little nauseous at times -- like when Kurt fried himself some chicken wings and I got a whiff of the grease. That did not sit well with me, but I drank a 7-Up and ate some saltines, and I was better the next day. So hopefully this pregnancy will continue to progess easily. :o)

Wish me luck!

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