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24 May 2003

Male strippers, anyone?
It's Saturday Night Fever on the local radio station that plays mostly 80s music -- not to be confused with the radio station endorsed by Leeza Gibbons. What advertising exec really and truly thought that Leeza Gibbons would have any sway over our choice of radio stations here in the Northwest??

It's almost as bad as Celine Dion selling Chryslers.


And where the HELL did she get that chin?? Is she a throwback to the Hapsburgs or something?

And one more thing -- why is it the "Pacific Northwest"?? There's no other northwest in this country, so there's no need for the addition of "Pacific." Last I heard, the southeast isn't referred to as the "Atlantic Southeast."

"Pacific" is superfluous.

But I digress.

Back to Saturday Night Fever. You can really tell that the people in the 70s were just completely stoned all the time. First off, disco. Need I say more?!

Disco sucks.

Secondly, who in the world thought it would sound really neat if men sang higher than Whitney Houston on The Bodyguard soundtrack?? How did the whole falsetto thing get started anyhow? I don't mind when guys hit a couple of high notes here and there, but when it comes to the Bee Gees, I get really scared.

Men aren't meant to be sopranos.

Unless they're Sopranos, at which point it's perfectly acceptable.


I crack myself up.

So it's almost 11:30 pm PST and my sister just went to bed. Amazing, isn't it? Ms. "I'm Always in Bed by the Insanely Early Hour of 9pm (10pm on the weekends)" said goodnight to me at TWO AM!!!

Stop the world, I want to get off.

She's so proud of herself, though. She has managed to stay up till the time most of the folks her age are arriving home after a night of partying.

Of course, I wouldn't like her so much if she partied all the time. She and I just aren't into that kind of thing.

I'm really glad she had such a good time tonight. She went out with her good friend and another woman -- WITHOUT her husband. It's been so long for her that's she's been able to hang out with girlfriends due to their lifestyle that I'm super happy that she had this time with them. She really needed it.

But maybe they ought to have gone to see some male strippers!! LOL!!!!

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