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08 November 2002

First a failure, now a winner!
Well, I suppose that people who fail every once in a while have to win on occasion too!

Yesterday the Red Cross called me while I was on the phone with one of the companies I was trying to buy a digital camera from, and at first I was slightly annoyed because I already have an appointment for the 18th. Sometimes they don't look at when I have an appointment already set up and call me anyway.

But I couldn't click over anyhow because I was on the phone doing business. As soon as I got off the phone, it rang again and it was the Red Cross.

The lady started talking to me almost as if she knew me, then she tells me that I won the big summer giveaway!

See, every few weeks or so, the Red Cross puts together a basket that they raffle off, and you enter to win when you come in to donate. I'm not sure if it's blood, platelets, or both, but Kurt always puts both of our names in.

I didn't win the basket full of cool stuff.

Oh no. I hit the jackpot!!!

There was a display in the corner of the Red Cross all summer, and finally Kurt asked about it when we came in earlier this week. The lady at the desk (who is the nicest person) asked us if we had entered to win the big summer giveaway, which was everything included in the display. So Kurt filled out a raffle ticket and put it in the envelope, and the lady assured us we had a pretty good chance since there weren't many names in the envelope.

And I won!

Which means I am now the proud owner of: an Igloo cooler on wheels, a Coleman oversized folding armchair (and not made of that cheesy nylon either; this one is NICE), a Red Cross t-shirt (which I had two of that same design already!), a Red Cross beach towel, a Red Cross umbrella that clamps onto this little wooden table, a Red Cross insulated lunch bag, two beach balls, a six-pack of caffeine free Pepsi and one of Diet Pepsi (I hope my in-laws like Diet -- I don't!), two Red Cross can cozies, a few bottles of Crystal Light, and a zillion Red Cross water bottles. Oh, and a pack of cookies, which Kurt immediately devoured.

Once I got there, everyone put the name to the face and recognized me, and they were excited to learn that it was me who had won. This one girl who works there (doing what, I'm not sure, but she's always wandering in and out and talking to the donors) came in and said, "Oh it's YOU!" because she didn't know my name. Those who knew my name from making appointments for me then got to meet me too, and the director of the chapter came down and helped us pack up the display. I had my photo taken and everything, and it's going up on display for everyone to see.

I was actually really embarrassed because I'm just shy like that. I'm not used to so many people making a big deal of me, so I didn't know what to say or what to do or anything. But I think I did okay.

It's pretty cool winning things -- usually it's Kurt who wins, except at lottery tickets. I always win at lottery tickets. :o)

The lottery -- that reminds me. So we'll voluntarily tax ourselves by buying lottery tickets that we have a one in 150 million chances to win the jackpot, but we can't vote to raise the sales tax by ONE PENNY so we can do something about the gridlock in this area????

Foolish, foolish people....

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