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21 November 2001

Pre-Thanksgiving wrapup
I'm almost frightened by the amount of money in my bank account. Now, don't get me wrong -- it's not a huge sum. But when Kurt was managing the finances, we were hitting the zero mark about five days after payday. And that was even after I started working. But then at the beginning of this month, Kurt came to me and asked me to pay the bills because he was out of money since he had financed our share of the wedding. (And thank you AGAIN Momma for making our wedding so lovely!) So I did. Besides, I'm supposed to be financing the money in this family -- it was agreed upon. This payday Kurt's given me most of his paycheck to deposit in our account, all the bills are paid (I'm assuming that he paid the one he was supposed to) except three, which aren't much, and we've still got a few dollars' spending money.

Plus I get paid again next Thursday, and I even get paid for Thursday and Friday because I am officially an employee of the company, since I am finished with the probation period. PLUS I got paid for this afternoon even though we left two hours early.

Man, I feel good about it. But I'm not sure why the finances are working out this month -- it can't be just that I'm handling them because nothing's changed! Just the person signing the checks! Oh well. I shall not look this gift horse in the mouth.

Not to mention, today I got a raise. Oh yeah. Since I am still an hourly employee ("What?? With a college education you STILL can't manage to get a salaried position??"), I make something in the neighborhood of peanuts. Meaning if I didn't have a husband I would not be able to afford to have this job. The rent alone would bankrupt me. But they gave me a raise of $1 per hour, which is damned good considering I've been there three months and eleven days. I've been told they do raises at the end of the year, so maybe then I'll get another raise. But I'm not holding my breath. I now make more than the girl who was there before me, who even had a degree in biology, even after her raise at the end of the year. I think it's because everyone gets along with me better. Tee hee. :o)

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving!! YAY!! I'm going up to my mother's house this weekend, my stepdad will be there, and we're going to have a great time. Unfortunately, Momma's got to work, but only for three hours so I think we'll manage. Kurt and I found some yummy recipes to jazz up the fixin's this year, so I'm pretty stoked.

But Kevin's forbidden watching football tomorrow. How unAmerican!! I suppose I'll just have to watch the highlights of my games tomorrow on SportsCenter. :o)

And by the way, I chopped all my hair off. It's about as short as it was way back at the end of the 5th grade when my sister persuaded me that short hair would be cute on me. She was right, but I didn't know how to style it at that point. I love the new 'do now -- it's super short in the back and a little longer on the top, just enough to fluff it up. And I have bangs again, which helps my self-esteem because I am convinced I have a five-head, otherwise known as the dreaded forehead from hell. My forehead is as wide as all four of my fingers together from hairline to eyebrows, and since I have very chubby fingers I have a humungous forehead. Hence I need bangs. :o) Also, my hair takes me about three minutes to style, 30 seconds of it being blow-drying my hair. I think I'll keep this one for a while!!

Have a great holiday, y'all, and hug your family members!!!!


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