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Dad's on his way
My father emailed me yesterday to tell me he's coming into town this week to give a presentation at the Navy base. So I emailed him back and asked him to dinner, not really expecting him to agree to it since he doesn't like the fact that I'm living with Kurt.

Actually, I take that back. I don't know how he feels about it. When I told my parents that's what I was doing, I received a lot of criticism through email from my stepmother about it, and I don't think they really consulted about the matter. They rarely do.

Well, Dad's coming to dinner tonight, and I am to make my famous steak, recipe courtesy of Alton Brown on "Good Eats." And so now I have to be the good little housewife and clean house. It's not that it's really that messy... the problem is I don't want him to see this apartment and be reminded of Marty's terrible housekeeping skills. And so I am going to vacuum (a word Marty can't spell), clean the bathroom, straighten up my bookcase, mop the kitchen floor, and just try my best to make everything just a tad nicer.

And hopefully dinner tonight won't be too tense... but I am nervous....

We've been going to the pool every day this week. What's nice about that is I'm actually getting a tan!!! I spent a month in Kenya when I was in high school, working every day outside all day, and I came back with a tan face and the rest of my body maybe a shade darker than when I left. I just don't tan. This summer I didn't plan on tanning -- I've been wearing SPF 48 sunblock every day to prevent getting a sunburn. I also haven't been laying out -- when we go to the pool, we spend most of our time in the pool. Kurt loves to try to drown the neighborhood kids. :o) What I didn't know is you can still tan through sunblock. The things you learn each day...

I am to learn my fate in regards to the job at the university this week sometime. I really hope I get it... it's just perfect for me. And there aren't many library jobs open in this area. I'll just have to wait, hope, pray, and cross my fingers...

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