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Yeah, well, sorry about not updating. I truly had nothing to say, and instead of rambling on about boring stuff that I don't care about, I took a break. You didn't miss anything. :o)

One more exam... tomorrow morning, Christian Origins. I started studying at noon today for it in the library -- the first time I have ever gone to the library to study, and ironically it's for my very last college exam.


Anyhow, I didn't get too much accomplished. I finished the worksheets the professor gave us to do, that I was supposed to be doing along the way but rationalized not doing since I'd have about a week to study for this exam. And what did I do during that week??? Abso-fucking-lutely nothing. Working in the library makes no sense, especially when you're in the lounge where there's a Starbucks and people don't have to be quiet. And when you're good friends with the Starbucks lady and you like to chat with her. ALL THE TIME.

Then my friend E shows up. Oh yeah. Fun stuff. She's in my class, so we were "studying" together. We just sat there and harassed one another for another few hours till I went to dinner with Wes and Phil, which means that I didn't get hardly anything done. And E wanted me to go home with her and vegetate with her, which I happily did because none of the information was sticking in my head anyhow.

And all this boils down to the fact that I started studying for this exam a mere hour ago and I'm actually a little worried about it. But! The stuff seems to be sticking, FINALLY, and I think I'll be ok. I hope.

E is just great... she really is. And I wish I'd known her earlier because I feel like I've missed out on so much. I know she trusts me because she's shared her life with me, something she doesn't do with just anyone. So I know things about her that she doesn't like to have made public, and I've returned her that favor by telling her some of my dirty secrets. We get along well because, like most of the few girl friends I have, she's not girly. She's not concerned about clothes, or hair, or makeup, or anything. She's very pretty, but she just keeps herself well-groomed. And we share a lot of the same views, and we have a great deal in common. This evening we really connected. And it makes me feel so good that there are people like me in the world because sometimes I feel like I'm the only one here... and I know that isn't so. But I still feel that way sometimes. She is definitely someone I'll come back to Williamsburg to visit.

Why is it that I always find people that I want to be really close to right when I have to leave them, or they leave me?? It's like with Wes and Phil... I just met them this semester, and they've gotten to be really good friends of mine, but now I'm graduating and they'll still be here. Or Kathryn at work, who's just awesome. And now E. And Beverly at the Starbucks counter. I just wish I'd known all these people earlier so I could have benefited from their friendship a bit more.

"Make new friends, but keep the old... One is silver and the other's gold..."

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