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Dream job
My stepmother has been getting on my last nerve lately. It seems as though she's blaming me for the issues I've been having with trying to get a doctor's appointment before I lose my medical benefits in May. I wrote her an email asking her if it's all right if I go to the health center here on campus since I didn't really want to go all the way to DC just for a doctor's appointment. When she wrote back, she told me that we'd have to pay for it if I didn't go to a military hospital -- and she finished it with "If you'd gone to the naval hospital the week you spent with Kurt, we wouldn't be having this problem." Grrr.

So I called the naval hospital yesterday, and they told me that because of the health plan I'm on, they can't see me there anyhow, and the only hospital in the region that will see me has very few openings for patients on my plan. Double grrrr.

When I emailed Marty back to tell her, she was very snippy and said, "Fine. Go to the health center." It's not my fault that she's the one who signed me up for this plan that limits where I can go to be seen. I think it's residual pissiness for my moving in with Kurt. Oh well...

I went looking round the net last night for a job. I got a bit discouraged at first because everything on the local job search engine was either really low-paying or it wasn't stuff I was qualified for (nope, sorry... I don't have five years minimum roofing experience). I also looked at the state employment webpage... and more nothing. It seems I'm not even qualified to be a secretary. *sigh*

But then when it looked like all hope was lost, I found something. A perfect something. Something that would make my entire year if I managed to land it.

A job at an academic library, working in a music manuscript collection.

Oh yeah....!

I would be in charge of working with the collection, formatting finding aids in HTML and probably XML as well, preserving the material, cataloging it... basically doing everything I've been doing for the past two years in the library here.

That's if I even get the job... Ay, there's the rub. I think I have a pretty good chance. I have all the requirements according to the job description -- but my only worry is they prefer someone with a Master's of Library Sciences. But even then I think I'm all good.

See, there is one downside to this job. It's only part-time. However, I doubt that someone with a Master's degree is going to want to work only part-time, so I think that works in my favor. The money is pretty good, even still -- almost as much as Kurt makes. The only other downside is it's at a university across the river from Kurt's... so I'd have to take the midtown tunnel to work. And that's a really nasty proposition right now.

But I'm going to go for it, and hope and pray with all my being that they see how qualified I am to do this job for them. I hope they see that, at any rate. Even though I haven't worked in the library professionally, I still did quite a bit of work that the ladies that I worked for didn't know how to do. It wasn't all grunt work, by any means. Plus I had to be very independent -- I had long-term tasks assigned to me and I had to work in other errands and little things that people were always getting me to do for them.

So now I have to update my resume and write a cover letter -- ick. Thank God I have a dad who knows good personal PR. See, I don't hate my dad all the time!!! :o)

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