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Myroblytes and gift horses
Oh my god. Diaryland FINALLY has the right time... at least for me. Of course, since I prefer 24 hour time (it's the military brat in me), I still have to change it. Grrr...


Word of the day: myroblyte. It's something that's been popping up in the book I have to read for my Christianity class, Caroline Walker Bynum's Holy Feast and Holy Fast: The Religious Significance of Food to Medieval Women. Sounds thrilling, eh? It's not that bad...

Well, I didn't know what a myroblyte was (do you??), so I went to, which is a site that searches a bunch of dictionary sites at once.

Results? "There were no results to your search query."


So then I try the Oxford English Dictionary, and because I have an IP address originating from a place of higher education, I get to search the OED for free. Neener neener neener... :o)

Results? "There were no results found."


Did Ms. Bynum make this word up???

Of course, my enterprising roomie who has more than her fair share of common sense found the answer. The secret to her success???

So she finds this site, where you can clearly see that a myroblyte is "a saint whose relic exudes a myrrh, oil, balm or liquid which beneficially is used for the uplifting of spirits and the healing of bodies."


Did I mention that this use occurred in a section about Elvis? And yes, I mean of the Presley variety. :o)

So there, now you know what a myroblyte is. Share the knowledge with all you know, since it cannot be found in any other dictionary, so far as I know.


So what plans do you have this Friday?? Tee hee...

I went to Have a Nice Day Cafe, a club down here in Norfolk, with Kurt and the lovely and luscious Liad (damn I'm being a link whore today!), on St. Patty's Day. After much drinking and dancing (by the way, try the new Smirnoff Ice -- it's like lemonade. Way better than Zima because there's no aftertaste!), I saw a slip of paper on the bar and filled it out for no good reason that my rather drunken mind could conjure up.

Yesterday Have a Nice Day Cafe calls up Kurt and tells him that he's won a free party there. No cover charge, nickel drafts (or something like that), and other drink specials. I am ALL OVER that. Unfortunately, a whole lotta people I know already have plans. I wish they'd given me a TAD more notice... But I'm not complaining!! :o) Never look a gift horse in the mouth.

And why is a gift horse anyhow?! This has boggled my mind for years.

By the way, fourteen months for me and da man... *blush*. Sick, I know... but I'm in love...............!!!!

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