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Giddiness incarnate
Yesterday I was domestic. Me. Ms. Anti-Domestic. I got bored yesterday because there wasn't much to do, and so I cleaned my boyfriend's apartment. It wasn't that he asked me to do it, or that it needed it that badly, but there were stacks of papers here and there that needed to be straightened... So I straightened. And lit a candle. Glade's Holiday Evergreen. I love that candle -- it permeates the entire apartment and makes it smell so damned good. I am just sad that apparently they don't have any bayberry candles this year, and I burned all mine last year. *sniff* Renuzit has one called Candy Cane which smells just like candy canes. I'm not sure I can handle a candy cane smelling apartment...

But I shall never be a DOMESTIC GODDESS like my sister Michele. I don't mind housework, and I like to make things look pretty in my home, but she's just way better at it. So that's why it's funny I got all domestic yesterday.

I even cleared off the couch in the dining room (we don't have a dining room table... yet... but we're working on it), and the little tables in the living room. And to make the living room even more nice, I set up the doll that my momma got me for Christmas. Yes, Momma already gave me my Christmas present, which is this gorgeous Victorian-esque doll that sits at a piano. I love dolls. I really do. I'm not sure why -- I never had much in the way of dolls when I was little. I ended up getting five Cabbage Patch Dolls from the time I was five to about age 12, but that's about it. I can't find them either. I looked in the attic at home, and didn't see them. Hmmm... must check Momma's storage unit...

I HAVE A PLAN! Not nearly so clever and nefarious as Fuzzy Tomato's plan (well, hers isn't nefarious either, but I just like that word), but it's a plan nevertheless. And a good one, methinks. I think I have decided what I want to do with my life. And that is to get a job out of college, preferably with a library, because I love what I do at the school library. It's a job that would be very fulfilling for me since I have always loved books. And then, after a while, after I have saved a bit o' money, I shall go to grad school and get my master's in library sciences. I don't HAVE to get my degree -- at least two people in the department where I work don't have their master's, and one is fairly high up in our department. But it's a good idea. And so I think I have my long-term goals set out. Now I shall have to bite the bullet and put them into action, not give up when life gets hard. Because I'm WAY too good at that. This is something I WANT. Very much. So I will work towards this goal. It feels good to have a goal, to be working toward something. I don't feel aimless anymore. A very good feeling...

Oh, it's almost Thanksgiving!!! I'm so excited. It'll be Momma, her boyfriend Kevin (who's one of the coolest guys, EVER), my boyfriend Kurt, me, and hopefully my sister Michele and her husband Ben. YAY!!! Turkey, and hand mashed potatoes, and gravy, and corn, and green beans... oh I can't WAIT! And pie. I think. I'm not big into pie, but my momma makes 'em handmade. Quite yummilicious. :o)

Plus Thanksgiving means REST. And Relaxation! I can't wait. Just have to get through today, and tomorrow, then sometime after dinner my friend's dad will drive us down to Portsmouth. And then... FREEDOM! I will be glad to have a break, as short as it will be. And soon enough, it'll be Christmas, and I'll be on a jet plane off to Tucson. WOO HOO!!

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