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The spooktacular fun has ended
Halloween isn't one of my favourite holidays. It's not that I dislike it; I just don't get into it the way, say, my mother does. My mother loves to decorate her home for Halloween, and she really did a great job this year. She had black lights going in her track lighting in the living room, a skeleton hanging in one of her doorways, lots of spooky decorations all over everywhere, orange lights on the outside of her home... It looked really cool.

My dad gets into Halloween too. One year I was out and about taking my brother on the rounds of the neighborhood, and I came upon someone I knew at school. He started raving about this house he'd visited, about how this guy had an old truck parked in his front yard with a traffic light blinking in sequence, and how this man was all dressed up with a scary mask and making scary noises... As I listened to the boy I knew ramble on, I realized something, and said, "You know, that's my dad." The guy's jaw about dropped to the floor, and he told me what a cool dad I have. I think so! :o)

I didn't think my Halloween was going to be too exciting because I'm too wussy to go out to the graveyard and tell ghost stories. Well, to go out after dark wherever folks are going and tell ghost stories. I have a wussy fear of the dark. But anyhow, my boyfriend was on the phone with my roommate once I got back from taking my graphics exam (which I think went really well) -- already on his way home!! (He usually works 3-11pm so he can go to school in the morning.) So he decided to come up for the evening, and we went out to Appleby's for dinner. I realized why we don't go to Appleby's much -- there's very little in the way of selection. It was good, though.

We come back to the room, and what happens? We fall asleep. We are such old people. :o) He would start to snore, and I would poke him and say, "Wake up!!" He'd respond with "I wasn't sleeping!" But he was snoring... :o)

But then the best part was after he left (don't get me wrong, I love spending time with him) because it was then that Katie and I went out on the town. We went to one of the delis near campus and looked at all the folks in costume. Some of them were really good, and some were kind of weird. Katie and I cracked up at this guy sitting at the table next to us who was complaining about how smoky it was in there, as he lit yet another cigarette!! :o) We ended up walking around and talking and having just a grand time. Simple, yes. But sometimes the simplest things are the most enjoyable ones.

Well, I've managed to get through this week. I was thinking it wasn't going to happen with the exams I had, but it's been a good one. Now if only I can motivate myself to start my graphics program due Tuesday. It shouldn't be complicated in terms of code, so I don't feel like working on it now because I have the whole weekend. I'm so slack sometimes...

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