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I'm gonna be a pool bum!!


OK, I'm better now. Seriously, to make it from northern Virginia to Hampton Roads should take three and a half hours, max. Three hours if you do 75mph all the way down, like me. :o)

It took Kurt and me five hours. I kid you not.

Traffic kept slowing, then coming to a complete stop. When we'd get to the point when the traffic began to move again, we'd look around and see no reason for the tie-up. Or it'd just be a car pulled over to the side.

I don't mind slowing down for an accident or something... Everyone likes to rubberneck. :o) But when there's no discernible reason to slow down for the tenth time in as many miles, it gets old. Quickly. It was just the most frustrating thing.

The puppy was SOOOO happy to see me! Kurt and I adopted the cutest puppy dog way back in the spring named Koolit -- he's a Shih Tzu/terrier mix. Kurt's rubbing the dog's belly right now, and I think he's in puppy heaven. :o) When we got home today, Koolit went nuts -- barking and jumping and racing around the apartment. Kurt took him outside to walk him, and Koolit didn't want to play... he wanted to come back inside and make sure I was there to stay. I love this puppy.

One thing I have to say -- I don't like dogs. I really don't. When I win the lottery, I'll buy a puppy home for Stina to run because she LOVES puppies. But I prefer cats. We've always had cats, starting with Deztiny way back in the early 80s, up through Achoo and Kalamazoo, belonging to my stepmom into their late teens in the late 90s, to now Catherine the Great and Mischa, fat white sister cats. We got these cats from a Russian couple (hence the Russian names) whom we gave a shiny penny in exchange. They told us that was a Russian custom -- one shiny penny per kitty. Kitties rule.

I made the best dinner tonight -- fresh tortellini (not handmade, I'm not THAT good!) with alfredo and mushroom sauce, and a salad with italian herb ranch dressing. Kurt made chicken wings, but I wasn't in the mood for them, so he ate them all. He loves buffalo wings. :o) Oh it was all so good! I'm glad to be back in the kitchen. It's been too long.

I was trying to be a good girlfriend today -- Kurt promised me I could watch Iron Chef to see whether I liked it or not (it's ok), but until then, he told me we had to watch something other than the Food Network. So I was flipping through the channel, and I found preseason football. Kurt is a football fanatic -- I won't have much of a boyfriend once the regular season starts. :o) I stopped at the football game, but since it was Detroit vs. Buffalo, he didn't want to watch it. Well, I tried. Heh.

Tomorrow Kurt's apartment complex is having a pool party. Can we say, POOL BUM?!?!? I can't wait to just relax in the cool water. I can't even remember being at the store anymore since I've been away from work since Thursday. It was time for me to leave.

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