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Sunburns in DC
I apologize for not posting anything for a fairly long time, but my boyfriend Kurt decided to drive up to see me this weekend. He picked me up from work with a coral peach rose in his hand, took me to see Chicken Run (EXCELLENT movie!), and treated me to dinner at Ruby Tuesday, where we had some wonderful mudslides. Isn't he a sweety?! :o) Then on Saturday I acquired a most lovely (sarcasm there) sunburn in DC which I'm suffering from today. So why didn't I put sunscreen on?? Well, you see, you don't know where I live. Unless you're Michele. Then you DO know cuz you used to live here too. But... my stepmom doesn't precisely put stuff back when she's done with it. As a result, there was NO sunscreen where I could find it on Saturday morning. So instead, I went out in the 90+ degree heat and burning sun with just a tank top on. I never said I was the sharpest tack in the box! Heh. But it was FUN! Kurt and I saw the restoration of the Star-Spangled Banner along with an exhibit on submarines during the Cold War (did you know that nuclear subs can and do stay submerged for months at a time?!) in the American History Museum. He even let me ogle the dresses of the First Ladies exhibit.... exxxxcellent! I was pleased! We also checked out the Folklife Festival on the Mall itself and saw the exhibits of Washington, DC, and El Rio, which was about the Rio Grande valley in Texas. Good stuff!

But he had to leave again today.... not before we went to Hooters together. :o) I was upstairs in the breakroom last week with Kim from the phone room, and she told me that her sister had just gotten back from Hooters and noticed that the ladies there all wear small shirts and tiny shorts. Apparently, Kim's sister didn't realize that they do that on purpose! :o)

Anyhow, Kurt's leaving was depressing... I HATE this back and forth that we're doing all summer. Without him, with him for a short time, without him, with him for a short time... I will get to see him in another two weeks or so. I promised Stina I would go to see her for her birthday, which I am highly stoked about. Another Greyhound trip... let's see what kind of wackos sit near me THIS time. :o)

Did I mention our a/c is FINALLY working correctly?! I was burning up here all night, and I asked my parents why it was so hot. Dad said he'd take care of it, but he didn't get around to it for a while. So I sat up here, cross-stitching and sweating. Now I don't usually sweat inside. When people say it's hot, I think it's nice. I think I got some of my sister's cold-bloodedness. You should see her in the winter time. (Speaking of which, O Blonde One, WHERE IS MY NAVAL ACADEMY SWEATSHIRT?! It can't STILL be cold in OKC!) Anyhow, so I'm sweating and drinking water. You know it's hot when I voluntarily drink water. Straight. No lime, even. Dad told me later (after he got the a/c to work) that for some reason it wasn't working for the top floor, which is where my bedroom is. Aren't I lucky!? :o) Tomorrow I go back to work, and I forgot what happens in the store when it goes over 90 degrees outside -- the a/c just can't keep up with it. I was sweating when I was in the store today. NOT looking forward to it tomorrow.

When I'm alone, just about all I do is think of what I want to write for my diary entry. Aren't I pathetic? But then I sit down at the keyboard, and between being distracted by online conversations with my friends and my brother wanting to share his day with me, I completely lose what I was going to talk about. So bear with me. :o)

Take care, all!

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