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Decisions made for me
No more fork in the road. I have been informed that "there's nothing you can do about it now." So I am told which path I must take. I must mold myself into what others want me to be since I am not allowed to choose. Well, I suppose it could be worse. I just think I'm wanting to stretch my wings a little... I am only 21. I want to be young and free... Well, maybe things won't always be this way. And as my dad says, "Next year you'll be on your own and you can do whatever you want to."


More weirdness. For those of you who know him, or of him, rather, I thought I saw James today. *shudder* A tall guy, crossing the street, dressed in much the same manner and with long hair, like James's. But this guy had brown hair, and was wearing a white shirt. James wouldn't be caught dead in a white shirt -- I found out the hard way that all he likes is dark colours when I bought him a shirt in Ocean View that was bright blue. He finally gave it back to me after it collected dust in his room for six months. I still have it.......

That's one thing that I have from almost all of my ex-boyfriends. The dolphin shirt I gave James... the betting shirt and the undershirt from Bill... the blue corduroy pants and FM99 t-shirt from Corey... and from my current boyfriend, the Hooters shirt and the purple and black shorts. I've had more stuff, but I think I gave it all back by now. The clothes... I like to have something of my boyfriends' as personal as something they've worn. All day I wear their shirts or their pants, and I think of them. It brings me closer to them, at least emotionally. But I need to learn to give it all up. Give it all back. Forget about it. Forget....

Hmm... new topic.

Talk about anal-retentive!! The service manager at work gets mad when one of the customer service reps checks in an iMac, and doesn't use the proper colour names. So if one were to check in an "iMac blue" we get in trouble. It's got to be the correct "flavours." Blueberry... strawberry... tangerine... lime.... grape... But the blueberry iMac doesn't resemble any blueberries I've ever seen... the colour is sort of a greenish-blue. Blueberries are purplish-blue.

I just made the most random comment... My friend is talking about how much he likes the show Futurama, which I've enjoyed the few times I've seen it. I told him that I don't watch it because I don't remember it's on... but that even if I did remember, I don't know how to turn on the tv!! It's true!! I don't!! Dad got DirectTV or whatever while I was at school, and I don't know which buttons to press or what the tv has to be set on to receive the satellite. And since I've been home a month and STILL don't know, I guess that shows how much I watch tv. :o)

Take care, all!!! *BIG HUGS*

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