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13 April 2007

My brain is about to explode
I've been looking at so many DSLR cameras online that I think my head is about to explode!!!!

One site says, "This one is AWESOME!" The next site says that one sucks and you ought to go with this other one. It just goes round and round and round.

What amuses me highly is most folks seem to like the Nikons the best. I haven't really found a whole lot of sites that are pro-Canon.

I think I have found the one I want, though. It's a Sony, which really surprises me. I am usually not a fan of Sony because they're very proprietary with their stuff. A lot of times you can only buy accessories for a Sony that are made by Sony. I did notice that other companies are now making Memory Sticks, so I may have to revise my stance on Sonys.

Aside from all the features on this camera which seem to be right up my alley, I like the fact that the Sony is actually the digital version of the Minolta. Minolta sold all their stuff to Sony and quietly faded into the background recently, and so this new Sony is almost like a digital Minolta. And since my old SLR is a Minolta, it's almost like getting an upgrade to what I already have.

Yes, that's goofy. So shoot me. *wink*

Yesterday my friend AS brought her other friend to Cabin Fever with her again. I don't mind at all because first off, the more the merrier, and secondly, this woman has an 8-month-old baby that she sometimes lets me hold.

The part that bothers me is they'll just sit there and chatter away about all the plans they have together and when they're going to get together and what they're going to do. They're both from the same part of the country, and I guess they've even gone back home together, so AS's friend even knows her family. But it's somewhat uncomfortable to be the third wheel. I feel like I'm busting in, you know?

And then of course I keep thinking that I've done or said something to AS to make her not like me anymore. Does anyone else do that? Does anyone else sit there and analyze everything they've said to see if they've said anything offensive?? Or am I just oversensitive?


I should be more confident, I know. But growing up I was always excluded because I didn't have a clue about interpersonal relationships. I'm still learning. My parents don't really have adult friends either, so it's not like I know what adult friends should do or say or whatever. My parents are loners, and I'm sort of the same way. I would prefer not to be, but I just don't have any modeling to know how to handle adult friendships.

I sound like a loser, don't I?? *wink*

Really, I'm not. I just am still muddling my way through. I'll figure it out eventually.

I hope.

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