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07 March 2005

Things you may not know about ME
Things You May Not Know About Me:

1. Today is my husband's birthday. He is 31 today, which makes him nearly five years older than I am.

2. We are both Pisces. This is supposed to make us both very indecisive, but since I am right on the cusp between Pisces and Aquarius, it tends to work.

3. I love the water. I don't swim all that well, ie, not like you're supposed to, but I love to swim. I love the pool. And apparently Grace takes after me! :o)

4. That said, I don't like swimming in the ocean. I tend to drink the water in which I am swimming, and I really don't like salt.

5. Coffee makes me poop.

6. I have tiny feet. They don't really look that small, but my size is actually a 7EE. I usually wear a 8W to compensate, however.

7. Since my feet are so small, I can buy kids' shoes. I wear a 6 in kids. However, just about the only place to find that size shoe is at Land's End.

8. Because I have small feet, the socks in the kids' department fit me best. You can buy the same size socks in the kids' department as in the adult department (9-11), but I think they are just a tad smaller in the kids.

9. I love funky socks. The funkier the better.

10. I annoy Michele by deliberating mismatching my socks to my outfit. I really don't care if they match. She has OCD. :o)

11. I don't match my bra and undies to each other either. Currently I am wearing a nude-colored lace bra with bright blue satin panties.

12. I call them "panties" which Michele really doesn't like.

13. I have lived in four states in my life: Virginia (where I was born and spent most of my life), Illinois, Nebraska, and now Washington.

14. I have lately been getting homesick for Virginia. I miss my family.

15. My father was raised in a children's home, but he's managed to be a pretty good dad.

16. I ALWAYS multi-task. I am not very good at doing one thing at once.

17. I love music. I love to play it, I love to listen to it.

18. I play the cello and the piano.

19. I was fourth chair in orchestra in 10th grade, then sixth chair in 11th grade. Both times my stand partner was my best friend.

20. I dropped out of orchestra in my 12th grade because I was the only senior in the section, and it would have been incumbent upon me to play a senior solo.

21. I have a mild case of social anxiety.

22. I dislike people who are fake or insincere.

23. Currently my radio station is tuned to 96.5 KRock in Seattle. It plays 90s alternative rock.

24. My husband is bald. He's losing his hair so he shaves his head. He's a good looking bald guy.

25. Kurt is a full foot taller than me. But he only outweighs me by 65 pounds.

26. I am currently the heaviest person in my family. However, I don't look as overweight as I am.

27. I weigh 200 pounds.

28. I am five foot three.

29. I am actually one of the tallest people in my family, second only to my father, who is five foot six.

30. I am the youngest of what I call "the four of us," which is my husband, my sister Michele, and her husband Ben. They were all born in 1974.

31. I was born in 1979.

32. I was born on my due date.

33. I have been, at one point or another, the oldest, the youngest, and the middle child in my family. I am the youngest of my mother's children, but then when my parents adopted my brother, I became the middle of my father's children. When my sister moved out, I spent the next five years being the oldest child.

34. I love 80s music.

35. I did a dance routine that my sister made up to a song of Madonna's. Can't remember the name of the song right now. But it was fun!

36. I usually remember my dreams.

37. I don't dream all that often anymore.

38. I am a night owl. I usually stay up past midnight. Since Gracie doesn't wake up till 10am, it works just fine.

39. I am a stay-at-home mom. Before that, I was a housewife. Before that, I worked in a chemistry lab. Before that, I was a student.

40. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the College of William and Mary.

41. I suck at computer science.

42. My minor was in Linguistics. It should have been my major.

43. I would like to get my Master's of Library Sciences. I wanna be just like my stepmom!

44. I love to read.

45. I read voraciously. I have read probably seven books in the last month.

46. My favorite author is Robert A. Heinlein. Unfortunately, he passed away in 1988, so there will be no more books by him.

47. I hate it when people misspell words.

48. I hate it when people use grammar badly. You should NEVER say, "The book was given to Susie and myself." It should be, "The book was given to Susie and me."

49. Everyone needs to take a class in which they learn how to use apostrophes properly. Please learn the difference between "your" and "you're," as well as "it's" and "its."

50. I am afraid that Diaryland is going to lose this page when I try to upload it.

51. I am too lazy to write this in Word first, so Diaryland doesn't lose this page.

52. I have a dog, Koolit (who is a lhasa apso mutt), and two cats, Karla and Storm. All three are rescues.

53. I don't understand why people would buy a pure bred dog.

54. I don't understand why people would own a pit bull.

55. I wasn't allowed to watch most of the TV shows from the 80s. So my pop culture education was severely stunted.

56. I harbor an inner goth. Were I younger, I would dress in mostly black and use too much eyeliner. However, I feel that since I am now 26, married, and with a baby, I am too old for that lifestyle.

57. I love retro and vintage stuff.

58. However, I would consider my decorative tastes to be "traditional" and "casual."

59. I loooooove to sleep.

60. I am amused by local weather reports in which the forecast is "rain followed by showers." It actually happens here.

61. It doesn't rain as much in Seattle as they'd like you to think.

62. I am starting to see how my daughter looks like me. Folks have been telling me that since she was born, but it's only now I am starting to see the resemblance of me at that age.

63. I used to dye my hair red. It is now brown with blonde highlights. I miss my red hair.

64. I get along much better with my sister now that we are adults.

65. I still get along very well with my brother, even though he's only 16.

66. I am ready to move from Washington, but I am afraid to tell my friends here that.

67. My first and middle names are Karyl Maree. When my husband transferred to his ship, the folks in personnel thought he'd spelled my middle name wrong.

68. I love my name and would never change it.

69. I have lately been calling my husband by his middle name, Thomas.

70. I love to cross stitch. I have been doing it since I was eight years old. I can cross stitch for hours each day, quite happily.

71. I have to go now; Gracie is calling me! :o)

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